Lime Ice Cream
Natural Lime Ice Cream with Candied Lime Peel (This is super easy and perfect to finish off a meal!)
Lime Ice Cream
Natural Lime Ice Cream with Candied Lime Peel (This is super easy and perfect to finish off a meal!)
  1. Place in blender:-Zest of 2 limes | 4 lime leaves with leaf stem removed | 1 can of full cream coconut cream | 1/2 cup icing sugar | Juice of 2 limes
  2. Blend together and place in tray in the freezer.
  3. Leave overnight to freeze.
  4. Place in saucepan 1/2 cup sugar | 1/2 cup water
  5. Boil together stirring all the time and reduce until only a half cup of liquid remains.
  6. Peel the outer zest off a lime.
  7. Drop into candy liquid for about 30 seconds remove and dip candied peel into bowl of crystalized sugar until all coated. Shape and rest on tray until cooled.
  8. Use as decoration on top of ice cream.